FEE STRUCTURE : Rs. 6000 per candidate
Duration: 6 weeks
Date Of Issue: 1st April 2024
Note: 100% Advance payment non-refundable
The fees will be accepted in form of cheque/DD prior to start internship in the name of “Deva Institute of Healthcare & Research Private Ltd.”
Pursuing or completed post graduation in psychology/social work Selection of candidate is interview based
TIMING : 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM (subject to change according to posting)
1. Psychiatrist
2. Clinical Psychologist
3. Psychiatric social worker
4. Special Educators
5. Psychiatric nurses
1. Application from self/letter from college mentioning about your willingness to start the program.
2. Duly signed curriculum vitae with passport size photo pasted on it.
3. Self attested copy personal ID (driving license/PAN Card/Aadhar Card/Voting Card/Passport)
4. Self attested copy of College I Card or document showing university enrolment number.
5. Self attested copies of mark sheets of X,XII, and further qualifying exams.
Outpatient Department – OPD
In-patient Department – IPD
Psychosocial Unit – PSU
Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry – DCAP
ANVITA An Psychological well being and psychosocial rehabilitation center
Certification will be done according to attendance and performance of the candidate during his/her internship programme.
The best performing candidate will be selected for the additional training.
1. It’s very important to follow principle of confidentially for every patient.
2. Interns are never allowed to write on patients’ files, take photos and photo-copying them.
3. Interns are not allowed to share any personal detail of any patient outside the hospital.
4. The work assigned and limitations should be followed according to the departments in charge.
5. While interviewing patient, the ethics and principles of mental health should be respected.
6. Coming late and absenteeism should be reported in advance and with duly signed applications.
7. More than 2 absents will be charged in fine.
8. Violating any rule mentioned will be meant for strict disciplinarian action against the candidate
At least 30 days in duration of 6 weeks
Only 2 days leave will be permitted in a month time, other than Sundays and National holidays
- Case History, MSE, Psychiatric rating., assessments and measured
- IQ, Personality & neurpsychological assessment
- Psycho-education and pre-discharge counseling Counselling, psychotherapy and rehabilitation
- Opportunity to observe ECT, EEG, IDCS, rTMS, BFB,BFT, Conition lab, Sleep study*
- COMAP Community Outreach Mental health Awareness Program**
*No tranings will be provided.
**Only when camps are organized
- There will be two visits to ANVITA, an rehabilitation center @ Chunar, India’s first of its kind rehabilitation home dedicated for mental health.
- Conveyance and lauch will be provided at no cost.
- Candidates need to submit visit report of these two visits separately.
- Understanding the functioning of mental health service delivery system
- Clinical approach towards patients with psychiatric disorder
- History taking, psychiatric interview and mental status examination
- Introduction to common psychiatric disorders
- Role of Clinical psychologists/psychiatric social workers in psychiatric set ups
- Each intern has to write and present 5 case reports before completion of the tenure to the designated supervisor.
- A case report will be in form of case presentation as per candidate’s choice which should be Informed to all consultants 2 days before during the program is mandatory.
Psychiatric Nurses
1. Application from self/letter from college mentioning about your willingness to start the program.
2. Duly signed curriculum vitae with passport size photo pasted on it.
3. Self attested copy personal ID (driving license/PAN Card/Aadhar Card/Voting Card/Passport)
4. Self attested copy of College I Card or document showing university enrolment number.
5. Self attested copies of mark sheets of X,XII, and further qualifying exams.
6. Cheque as mentioned above in name of fees.
7. DIHR Registration form of program duly filled by candidate and signed by parent/guardian.
8. Declaration consent of joining mentioning about confidentially of the patients, institute and related issues.
1. No stay facilities provided by institute.
2. Institute will not be held responsible for any accident/hazards during program.
Date Of Issue: 1st April 2024
Topic : Tobacco use & addiction
Tobacco use in India presents a multifaceted challenge, with significant health and economic repercussions. The high prevalence among adolescents and women, particularly in certain regions, underscores the need for targeted interventions and robust public health strategies to curb tobacco consumption and mitigate its associated harms.
Speaker: Dr. Venu Gopal Jhanwar
MBBS, MD (Psychiatry), Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Guest Speaker: —
Date: 12 Nov’2024 | Time : 8:00 pm
Click Here: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 6945 9204
Passcode: 145406
Topic : Mobile and Social Media Addiction
In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s easy to get caught in the endless cycle of scrolling, notifications, and screen time. But when mobile and social media use starts interfering with daily life, work, relationships, or mental well-being—it’s time to take action.
Speaker: Dr. Venu Gopal Jhanwar
MBBS, MD (Psychiatry), Consultant Neuropsychiatrist
Guest Speaker: Dr. Sumit Mehta
Consultant Psychiatrist, Synergy Hospital, Dehradun
Date: 08 Oct’2024 | Time : 8:00 pm
Watch recorded session on
Topic : Suicide Cause & Prevention
On World Suicide Prevention Day, we unite to raise awareness, debunk myths, and provide support to those in need. Our mental health organization is hosting a special webinar with Dr.Veu Gopal Jhawar & Guest Speaker : Dr. Priyaranjan Avinash to address this critical issue. This is more than just an event; it’s a movement towards saving lives.
Date: 10 Sept’2024 | Time : 8:00 pm
Watch recorded session on
Topic : Sleep related problems & their treatment
Sleep disorders can cause serious health problems and impair functioning. Symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, snoring, and feeling like you can’t move when you wake up.
Watch recorded session on
On August 15th, DIHR family celebrated India’s 78th Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervor. The event was a vibrant display of national pride and cultural heritage, bringing together the entire community in a spirit of unity and joy.
The celebration began with the hoisting of the national flag by our esteemed chief guest, followed by the singing of the national anthem. The sight of the tricolor fluttering in the breeze filled everyone with a sense of pride and patriotism.
We are proud to be the first in Uttar Pradesh to offer Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (dTMS).
This advanced, non-invasive treatment uses magnetic fields to stimulate specific areas of the brain, providing relief for patients with depression, OCD, and other mental health conditions.